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Dorje Chang Buddha: United States Congress Recognizes Master Wan Ko Yee, H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III, As the True Incarnation of the Primordial Buddha For Factors Explained in the H. Res. 1423.

H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha Accepts World Peace Prize at Nation’s Capitol
His Holiness Dorje Chang Buddha III has come to this world! The World Peace Prize Ceremony is being held in the Gold Room of the Capitol of the United States today. The award presentation honors Top Honor Prize recipients H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III and Hon. Benjamin A. Gilman; and Roving Ambassador for Peace will be awarded to the Civil Air Patrol. The ceremony is attended by members of Congress and international dignitaries (continuing reading …. )
古佛降世 第三世多杰羌佛

The Conferment of the Pope of Buddhism to His Holiness Dorje Chang Buddha III is Unchangeable
The Pope of Buddhism H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III is the first person in Buddhism to possess substantive holy realization power of a Buddha and perfectly flawless accomplishments at the pinnacle of the Five Vidyas. His selfless state of virtue is revered by all. His Holiness the Pope of Buddhism is also the one and only who possesses the inherent nature and physical constitution of a Buddha that no other eminent Buddhist monastic or virtuous person in this world has so perfectly attained.

H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III Arrives in the Mission – Master Wankoyee
Inside an old German Lutheran church in San Francisco, Chinese nuns sit on the glossy wooden floors, wearing headphones, listening to Buddhist mantras on portable CD players…. The Buddhist temple reflects the changing demographics of this working- class Latino neighborhood, and of the Bay Area.

“Lifting the Pestle onto the Platform” Reported by Numerous News Media | H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III
According to the teachings imparted by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III, to learn from Buddha to cultivate oneself, one must practice in accordance with the Xiaman Most Excellent Oceanic Mind Essence and the Most Excellent Enlightenment State of Emptiness Oceanic Mind Essence; abstain from doing any bad deeds, do all kinds of good deeds, and benefit living beings. Only this is the proper undertaking. That is why His Holiness the Buddha did not agree that the Exam of Lifting the Pestle onto the Platform should be conducted.

USA Today: Statement on a Pledge to Give an Award – Lifting the Pestle on the Platform
A Dharma Assembly for the “Lifting the Pestle onto the Platform” to assess realization power of Buddhist practitioners was held in the Grand Hall of Shakyamuni Buddha at the Holy Miracles Temple on February 9, 2020. We have personally attended the Dharma Assembly held for the exam, and also tried to lift the Supreme Holy Vajra Pestle. All the people there, including strongmen, took turn to show their physical power. Yet no one was able to lift the Supreme Holy Vajra Pestle at all.

What Does The Coronavirus Outbreak Teach Us?
Sentient beings might not be created equal in physicality, but our souls are. Ever since the Coronavirus outbreak, I’ve come across quite some disseminated posts and videos about the epidemics being animals’ revenge on humans. It always broke my heart when I saw animals and insects getting abused and slaughtered. Any living being that has the instinct of running away from danger has fear and they suffer like humans do when harmed. I came across this moving debate about why animals should be off the table menu and can’t agree more with so many points that hit the nail on […]
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第三世多杰羌佛辦公室第十四號公告 (07/16/2010) 《極聖解脫大手印》 第三世多杰羌佛自降世以來,因緣所至,分別在藏地、漢地及西方世界傳授了不同派別、不同程度的眾多佛法,但是,對於第三世多杰羌佛這一世所傳的最頂聖佛法《極聖解脫大手印》(簡稱《解脫大手印》),儘管一些有緣的修行人早已開始修學了《解脫大手印》其中的部分,就已經取得了大成就,但是,絕大多數眾生仍然無緣得以親近《解脫大手印》。末法時代,妖邪騙子橫行,凡夫充聖遍佈,混入佛教,詐騙好人,為憐憫眾生求法的艱難,第三世多杰羌佛以始祖報身佛的佛境覺量,將多杰羌佛傳給阿彌陀佛等十方諸佛和大菩薩們在修行階段的最高佛法,示現給娑婆世界的所有眾生。今天,人類眾生的福慧因緣終於成熟了,《解脫大手印》中修行部分的最頂級無上的修行法,《睱滿殊勝海心髓》和《最勝菩提空行海心髓》終於得以公開面世,供所有善男信女修學行持、福慧圓滿而成就。為此,我們無限感恩第三世多杰羌佛和十方諸佛的加持! 必須說明的是,《睱滿殊勝海心髓》和《最勝菩提空行海心髓》不是《解脫大手印》的完整儀軌,而只是《解脫大手印》中的修行部分,至於《解脫大手印》中的修法部分,還要等因緣成熟再予傳授,但是,大家要明白,任何人如果不學修這兩部至高無上的修行心髓法,是不可能受到修法部分的傳授的,也就是說十分之一的希望都沒有,即使受到灌頂也不會有受用,因為《解脫大手印》的修法,乃至任何佛法的成就,都得依於修行,尤其是依修至高無上的兩大心髓更是重要,第三世多杰羌佛說,他一切行為的目的、他的宗旨就是依三大心髓,尤其這兩部心髓,無論什麼人,只要依修,如實而行,必然成為聖德,全世界的人類和其它眾生都會吉祥幸福永昌!!! 曾經有過不了解的某些人,認為《解脫大手印》是密宗,其實,這是完全錯誤的認知,因為第三世多杰羌佛是佛陀降世,佛陀是給一切眾生指明解脫的道路的,故《解脫大手印》不是密宗,也不是顯宗,不是大乘,也不是小乘。但是,無論你是唐密、藏密,還是東密,無論你是禪宗,還是淨土,無論你是唯識法相,還是南傳上座部的佛教徒,還是其他的任何宗教,只要是行善做好事、利益他人的人,就能依照《解脫大手印》修學行持,利他為業,得到快捷的解脫成就。正如第三世多杰羌佛所說的:“佛教的宗派是個別祖師形成的,大家想一想,釋迦牟尼佛是哪一個宗派的呢?哪一個宗派都不是,而是佛教。” 所以,《解脫大手印》是屬於整個佛教,是佛教中最至高無上的頂級佛法。 第三世多杰羌佛針對《解脫大手印》特別指出:《解脫大手印》雖然是頂極中的頂極,至高中的至高,精華中的精華,它的誕生是為利益眾生而誕生,因此明確告訴大家,《解脫大手印》的流通弘揚,他是不會要大家任何供養的,只要一件,那就是真正利益眾生,福慧圓滿,早證菩提! 大家還要注意的是,修學完整的《極聖解脫大手印》的儀軌時,必須要首先看懂開初仁波且和祿東贊仁波且合著的《修解脫大手印必須要了徹的法義》,以資正見入修。 諸位行人,若能以上網傳播流通等各種方式弘揚《極聖解脫大手印》,使人人得利,個個成為德人,這將是具備無上功德的行舉,具大功德者,必然會早日獲得境行受用,當下證聖。第三世多杰羌佛辦公室二零一零年七月十六日 注:自下頁開始,便是第三世多杰羌佛親說最高古佛多杰羌佛的《極聖解脫大手印》之部分內容,即是修行的心髓部分,至於修法和灌頂、精要修等,不含在此法中。為尊法故,其文句排列最好不要變更,以防造成誤失。 (詳見附件) 橫排版 第十四號公告_橫排版(pdf 圖形檔, 3.98 MB) 第十四號公告_橫排版(pdf 文字檔, 697 KB) 豎排版 第十四號公告_豎排版(pdf 圖形檔,4.47 MB) 第十四號公告_豎排版(pdf 文字檔, 753 KB) 《極聖解脫大手印》 文章來源
Learning From Buddha

Master Yi Yungao Got Falsely Accused Of 1
Highlights of the fabricated case against Master Yi Yungao Doubtful points in the Yi Yungao case, aka Master Wan Ko Yee Who actually committed the fraud? The culprits and the intention behind their wrongdoings Who were involved in the embezzlement and who was the actual victim? Who fabricated the baseless case against Master Yi Yungao? Why did the corrupt officials still manage to issue the baseless arrest warranty against Master Yi Yungao despite Hong Kong authorities’ prosecution against the culprits? What did INTERPOL and China’s government agencies find out about the Yi Yungao case? Why and how did Master Yi […]
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