DORJE CHANG BUDDHA LINEAGE REFUGE TREE, Buddha Vajradhara, primordial Buddhas, Dharmakaya, Sambhogakaya, Dorje Chang Buddha, Nirmanakaya Vajrasattva, 多杰羌佛降世皈依境, 法身佛普賢王如來, 阿達爾瑪佛, 報身佛多杰羌佛, 金剛總持, 持金剛, 化身金剛薩埵

Dorje Chang Buddha: United States Congress Recognizes Master Wan Ko Yee, H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III, As the True Incarnation of the Primordial Buddha For Factors Explained in the H. Res. 1423.

 2D Session

United States Congresscongratulates and recognizes Master Wan Ko Yee, His Holiness Dorje Chang Buddha III, as the real incarnation of the Primordial Buddha (i.e. Buddha Vajradhara, Dorje Chang Buddha). 

On April 3, 2008, a solemn and dignified book-launching ceremony was held at the Library of Congress of the United States; on occasion of the first release of a fact-recording book entitled H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III, jointly published by the World Buddhism Publishing LLC and the World Dharma Voice, Inc. At the same time, the book was formally accepted into the collection of the Library of Congress of the United States. From then on, people came to know that the widely respected Master Wan Ko Yee, the one who has been recognized and corroborated through official written documents issued by top leaders, regent dharma kings, and great rinpoches of major Buddhist sects throughout the world; actually, is the third incarnation of Dorje Chang Buddha, the primordial Buddha. Ever since, people address the Buddha by the name Dorje Chang Buddha III. This is similar to the precedent regarding the name of Sakyamuni Buddha—before Sakyamuni Buddha attained Buddhahood, His name was Prince Siddhartha Gotama. Once Prince Siddhartha Gotama attained Buddhahood, He was thereafter addressed as “Namo Sakyamuni Buddha.”

On December 12, 2012, in the Senate Resolution No. 614 of the United States Congress, the title “His Holiness” was officially used with the name Dorje Chang Buddha III; the Buddha was addressed as “H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III.” Since then, the title H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III was definitively affirmed.

Dorje Chang Buddha III” is a statutory name; used in all official documents issued by the United States Government; such as passport, identity card, and social security documents. The previous name “Wan Ko Yee” is no longer valid, with no legal-binding effect, and no longer recognized by governments. “Dorje Chang Buddha III” is the only name in use.

 1st Session

S.Res.550 — 112th Congress (2011-2012)

2d Session

2d Session

US Congress H. RES 1423 – US Congress Congratulating Master Wan Ko Yee, a permanent resident of the United States, on the publication of his teachings and accomplishments in the book titled, “H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III: A Treasury of True Buddha-Dharma

US Congress H. RES 440 – Congratulating H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III and the Honorable Ben Gilman on being awarded the 2010 World Peace Prize

US Congress S. RES 550 – A resolution congratulating His Holiness Dorje Chang Buddha III and The Honorable Benjamin A. Gilman on being awarded the 2010 World Peace Prize. 

US Congress H. RES 614 – A resolution celebrating the World Peace Corps Mission and the World Peace Prize. H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III Being Awarded the World Peace Prize

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Posted in H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III, Awards & Honors, Buddha, Buddha reincarnation, Buddhism, Dorje Chang, Dorje Chang Buddha, Esoteric Buddhism, Exoteric Buddhism, Learn True Buddhism, Mahayana Buddhism, Master Wan Ko Yee, Master Yi Yungao, Pope of Buddhism, popular, Primordial Buddha, Tibetan Buddhism, U.S. Congressional Records, U.S. Congressional Records, Vajradhara, Vajradhara Dorje Chang, Wan Ko Yeshe Norbu Holiest Tathagata, World Peace Prize, Yi Yungao - Learn True Buddhism, Zen and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , .

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