H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III

The World Peace Prize Awarding Council Together with Religious Leaders Title Awarding Council: The Conferment of the Pope of Buddhism to His Holiness Dorje Chang Buddha III is Unchangeable

The Pope of Buddhism H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III is the first person in Buddhism to possess substantive holy realization power of a Buddha and perfectly flawless accomplishments at the pinnacle of the Five Vidyas. His selfless state of virtue is revered by all. His Holiness the Pope of Buddhism is also the one and only who possesses the inherent nature and physical constitution of a Buddha that no other eminent Buddhist monastic or virtuous person in this world has so perfectly attained.

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H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III

The Conferment of the Pope of Buddhism to His Holiness Dorje Chang Buddha III is Unchangeable

The Pope of Buddhism H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III is the first person in Buddhism to possess substantive holy realization power of a Buddha and perfectly flawless accomplishments at the pinnacle of the Five Vidyas. His selfless state of virtue is revered by all. His Holiness the Pope of Buddhism is also the one and only who possesses the inherent nature and physical constitution of a Buddha that no other eminent Buddhist monastic or virtuous person in this world has so perfectly attained.

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H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III Arrives in the Mission – Master Wankoyee

Inside an old German Lutheran church in San Francisco, Chinese nuns sit on the glossy wooden floors, wearing headphones, listening to Buddhist mantras on portable CD players…. The Buddhist temple reflects the changing demographics of this working- class Latino neighborhood, and of the Bay Area.

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“Lifting the Pestle onto the Platform” Reported by Numerous News Media | H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III

According to the teachings imparted by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III, to learn from Buddha to cultivate oneself, one must practice in accordance with the Xiaman Most Excellent Oceanic Mind Essence and the Most Excellent Enlightenment State of Emptiness Oceanic Mind Essence; abstain from doing any bad deeds, do all kinds of good deeds, and benefit living beings. Only this is the proper undertaking. That is why His Holiness the Buddha did not agree that the Exam of Lifting the Pestle onto the Platform should be conducted.

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Holy Fire-Offering Great Dharma

I Finally Witnessed the Holy Fire-Offering Great Dharma That is Talked about in Buddhist History

(Reported by Nangqiong Nuosang) On September 19, 2018, one of tremendously holy virtue conducted a “Holy Fire-Offering Dharma Assembly” that was officially held at the Holy Miracles Temple in the United States. The dharma assembly took place at the Grand Hall of the Buddhas and the courtyard right outside the hall. It was a complete success.   The attendees of this dharma assembly, which is extremely rare and almost impossible to come by, attended under two types of karmic conditions. Under the first type of condition, there were direct attendees who are persons of holy virtue, eminent monastics, abbots of […]

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